jeudi 9 avril 2015

Interview with Sallie Ford (English Edition)

(c) Florie Berger
A lot of things have changed in Sallie Ford's approach to music. She's now playing with a new band, yet to be named, and her new sound is less rockabilly and more close to the 60s garage rock. Interview with a changing artist...

(c) Florie Berger

So, new band, new Sallie ?
Sallie Ford : In some ways I'm new, in some ways, I'm the same. I fell really happy with the new band, you learn a lot to play with new musicians. It's also good to be with them because they are excited to be touring and it brings a good energy for the project. I'm always wanting to explore new sounds in music and learn new things. The biggest thing I learned since the last album was to play more guitar, especially the lead part. I really found a new love to play guitar, and now I'm wanting to learn a lot of new instruments, and I do play some bass and keyboard during the show, and I want to learn the drums. That's the new Sallie.

You never really liked the vintage stamp press gave you. Is this new band a way to broke that image ?
SF : I only didn't like when people think the way I look impacts the way my music sounds. I have always had vintage glasses and wore a lot of vintage clothes, but that's everybody in Portland. Of course I love old bands and I take influences from bands from the past but I want to make something new and unique, not have my music viewed by the way I look.

You're using keyboards now. How would you describe the input of this new instrument in your sound ?
SF  : At first I just wanted keyboard because I love 60's music with organs and electric pianos but then the producer I worked with had the idea to add some keyboards with a more electronic sound, and it creates a psychedelic landscape.

On stage in Paris, you looked very happy with your new band. Are you happier now ? 
SF : Yes. This last year, I've had a lot of time off. I do love to make music and I'm lucky to have it as my job, but it was nice to have time off and be good to myself. I've been really healthy and trying to better myself, maybe that's what people feel now when I'm on stage? I'm trying to learn how to cope with touring. People assume touring is just a party, but it's very hard work, for you body and your mind, so I'm trying to approach it differently.

(c) Florie Berger

You also seems to be more free with the new band...
SF : I think the new band has a free and fun presence on the stage. It's always the best to just relax and to have fun when you're on stage.

Your new sound seems to be more influenced by 60s/70s garage rock bands. Do you agree ?
SF : Yes, but it's not just limited to that. It's different in the US, especially in Portland, there is more genre crossing. I always prefer to describe my music with a feeling or a description of a song rather than a genre.
For me it's harder to describe my music because I think people just need to listen to it and make up their own mind.

Back to the Paris show, the Nirvana cover was really surprising (really good too).
SF : Thanks! I loved Nirvana since I was a teenager, I think everybody has a nostalgic feeling for them. Even though they were grunge, everyone can appreciate their music. And all bands can cover and appropriate their music, Kurt Cobain was a really amazing songwriter. I try and write songs like him, the kind of songs that are good songs and could fit with any types of music.

Guitarist Jeffrey Munger used to bring a lot of country music influences to the music. Are those country sounds all gone now ?
SF : Actually he's the one who introduced me to a lot of new music. I found out some amazing 60's surf and garage rock band with him. He did have a kind of country style in the way he dressed and talked, but he really is a rock n roll guy. I miss playing with him.

Was it hard to broke from the sound outside?
SF : It was actually hardest to break with Jeff, because he was the one that was the most tired of the road and he helped collaborate the most, taught me guitar. He didn't love touring though and I can understand that. He also wanted to focus on making his own music. Who knows? Maybe I can convince him to make another album with me one day. I'm not sad though to expand my musical relationships and play with a lot of different people, you can find new magic when you have new people to collaborate with.

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